Five International Conferences and a specific workshop have been held so far, dedicated to vital topics of the archaeology and the civilization of Paros. The First Conference dedicated to the most famous marble of the ancient world, the Paria Lithos, was held in Paroikia in 1997; subsequently the Second and the Third Conferences referred to two great personalities of ancient Paros, Archilochos the most important revolutionary lyric poet of Greek antiquity, and the renowned sculptor and architect Skopas whom ancient authors and critics held equal to the great Pheidias and Praxiteles, were realized in 2005 and 2010 correspondingly. The Fourth Conference dedicated to the main colonies founded by Paros in the ancient world: Parion in the Propontis, Thasos in the N. Aegean and Pharos in the Adriatic (now Croatia) was held in 2015. In July 2017, the IAPC, in collaboration with the Rennes University 2, held a special workshop on Parian and Cycladic pottery of the Geometric and Archaic periods and in June 2019, the Fifth Conference devoted to the history, archaeology and geology of Paros from prehistory down to the 16th century AD took place.
The Sixth Conference occurred from 14th to 17th June and explored the connections, interactions, and influences between Paros and its Cycladic Neighbors.